Parent Resources
- Kindergarten Prior Care Form
- CCPS Student Enrollment Form - Fillable PDF (PreK - 5th)
- Home Language Survey (PreK - 5th)
- Emergency Card (PreK - 5th)
- Requisite Health Records (New CCPS enrollment entering PreK - 5th)
- Only biological parents or legal guardians may register a child for enrollment.
- All forms must be signed in the presence of the school official accepting the documents, not beforehand.
- You must have all requisite documentation at the time of enrollment.
- A student must be five years old on or before Sept.1st to enroll in Kindergarten
- A student must be six years old on or before Sept. 1st to enroll in First Grade
- Return to School (Covid or Hospitalization/Surgery)
- Medication
- Physical Education Modification
- Parent Health Questionnaires (Specific Medical Conditions)
- CCPS Cafeteria Menus
- 2024 - 2025 Household Meal Benefit Application (Free & Reduced Meals)
For more information regarding CCPS Food Services programs, including to apply online for meal benefits, please click on the Food Services link.
Attendance is to be used for absences and dismissals (present, past or future).
If you need to change the way your child is to be dismissed at the end of the day, we must have something in writing. You must do one of two things by 3:00 PM.
- Send in a written note with your child first thing in the morning stating the change (preferable).
- Email the office staff using the Attendance email address above.
NOTE: Per the WES Parent/Student Handbook, “All vacation requests must be submitted to Ms. Winson in advance for approval”. Her email address is
Health Room Info
I see many students during the day, so I am unable to call home or send a note with every student. When a child sustains a serious injury, has a persistent illness, or elevated temperature, the parent/guardian will be contacted by phone to pick up the child. Also, if a child is visiting the health room many times in a short period of time, I will call to discuss the visits. Notification via phone will also take place if 911 is called for your child.
- Covid - Child may return to school when, for at least 24 hours symptoms are improving overall and if a fever was present, they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication.
- Fever - A temperature of 100° or more. CCPS policy is that students must be fever-free WITHOUT medication for 24 hours in order to return to school. Please keep them home if they've had a fever the night before.
- Strep Throat - This is a highly contagious condition that is caused by a bacterial infection. Symptoms usually include a sore throat, fever, and possibly a headache or stomach ache/nausea. Strep can only be diagnosed in a doctor's office, so you will need to contact your physician if symptoms are present. If your child is diagnosed with strep, they will need to be on antibiotics for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
- Diarrhea and Vomiting - This is uncomfortable and being near a bathroom becomes a top priority. If these symptoms persist, you should contact your physician.
- Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye - This is highly contagious and uncomfortable. Symptoms might include eyes that are itchy, red, have a yellow/white discharge, or if your child wakes up in the morning and their lashes are stuck together. They also may complain of sensitivity to light. Contact your physician if you think your child has pink eye. Your child will need to have been on antibiotic drops for 24 hours in order to return to school.
- Ear Infection - Symptoms could include severe ear pain, fever, dizziness, or headache. Hearing loss can happen if left untreated. You should contact your physician if your child has symptoms.
- Lice - Symptoms include head itching, seeing small white dots that are difficult to remove from the hair shaft or perhaps seeing the actual louse itself. If your child has lice, they are not to return to school until they have been treated. After treatment, your child will be checked by the School Nurse, to be sure they are lice-free before returning to class. Students with chronic lice may be required to be nit-free before returning.
- Medication Form (Front and Back)
- Dental Form
- Physical Form
- Physical Education Modifications
- CCPS Immunization Information and FAQs
Exemptions include:
Chapstick/Lip Balm
Non-medicated cough drops
Waterless hand cleanser
Saline eye drops or nose spray
Hand creams/lotions
- Bleeding
- Breathing Bad
- Broken Bone
- Barfing
- Burning Up
- Bee Sting
- Big Bump
Please send a change of weather-appropriate clothes for your child to keep in their locker. Children often have spills, bathroom accidents, slip in the mud, etc., and need to change their clothing. If your child has borrowed clothes, please wash and send the clothes back to the nurse, except for underwear.
Home Access Center
The Home Access Center is Carroll County Public Schools’ portal for parents. It allows parents/guardians to login and view information pertaining to their child. The Home Access Center is provided for the express use of the parents of Carroll County Public School District students to assist in the communication of important educational information. The goal of the Home Access Center is to assist you in effectively communicating with the teachers, staff, and administration about your student. Click the link below to go to the website.
2024 - 2025 WES Student/Parent Handbook
2024 - 2025 CCPS School Calendar
2024 - 2025 CCPS Informational Calendar & Handbook
Testing & Assessment
- Has a good night's rest and eats a healthy breakfast.
- Arrives on time for the school day.
- Has charged their laptop overnight & brings both their laptop & charger to school.
Has a pair of working headphones. (Headphones are on the requisite portion of the school supply list)