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Resources and Support

Individual Counseling
At Westminster Elementary School, I provide a safe and confidential environment for students to discuss many topics regarding their social/emotional needs, career goals as well as academic success.
Some topics that we may discuss include: friendship issues, stress, time management, goal-setting, academic planning, bullying, family changes, social skills, organization, career exploration and development of problem solving skills.

Small Group Counseling
Throughout the year, I run small counseling groups based on the needs of the students. These are the following group topics that may be run in any given school year:

  • Social Skills
  • Grief/Loss
  • Divorce or Family Changes.
  • Organization/Study Skills

Classroom Counseling Lessons
Throughout the year, I will provide many classroom lessons that are geared specifically to the needs of the students and the school. I provide a comprehensive counseling program that covers all three ASCA domains of career, academics and social/emotional needs. 

Academic Interventions
I provide many academic interventions to enhance student success. I work individually with students on their time management skills, study skills and organization. I occasionally conduct classroom observations or complete weekly assessments of student's academic progress. I work with teachers to provide supplementary interventions unique to each student’s specific needs, in order to ensure that every student will excel to their highest academic potential.

Behavioral Interventions
I collaborate with administration and faculty to facilitate behavioral interventions for students in need of support in the areas of safety, respect, and responsibility.

I work closely with staff, administration and parents to monitor the progress of students and to ensure that effective interventions are provided. I attend weekly meetings discussing student concerns related to academics, social/emotional, and attendance concerns. In addition, I work closely with middle school counselors and fifth grade students in preparation for their transition to middle school.